USB Touch Control Bendable Light

Item #: 2846
Setup Charges: $50.00


Introduce customers to your brand by illuminating your value with this USB touch control bendable light. It's got an extra bright white LED, is made of flexible material, and has a colored tip that turns it on or off when touched. This item will connect to a PC, notebook, or any other device that uses USBs. This comes in four great colors, so let your clients take their pick after imprinting it with your company logo. This is a great way to become a trusted source for great products!
Introduce customers to your brand by illuminating your value with this USB touch control bendable light. It's got an extra bright white LED, is made of flexible material, and has a colored tip that turns it on or off when touched. This item will connect to a PC, notebook, or any other device that uses USBs. This comes in four great colors, so let your clients take their pick after imprinting it with your company logo. This is a great way to become a trusted source for great products!
Size: 5/8 " x 7 1/4 "
Imprint Type: DIRECT PRINT;Pad-Print
Imprint Area: 1 1/4" x 5/16"
Price Includes: 1 Color, 1 Location,